Where do your thoughts live? What do they look like? What does it mean to think outside the box? Use myBOX as a tool to showcase your life from an internal and external point of view. Discover and share both the limits and potential of your thoughts and opinions to help you understand and connect with the world around you.
Who is in your circle? Why are they a part of it? In one way or another, we are all part of a circle. The choices we make and some circumstances out of our control influence who and what are in and out of our circles. By understanding the impact of your unique circle, you will be empowered to connect with the world around you. Welcome to myCIRCLE.
We all interpret words differently. myDICTIONARY is a space to explore your personal interpretations of words. Understanding and sharing your unique definitions will help you connect to yourself and to the world around you.
The Earth is your home. myEARTH is a place to reflect on your home and how you can improve it for both yourself and others. What do you value about your Earth? What are your concerns? Take a tour of your Earth, so you can better connect with your community.
“When life gives you lemons…” You may have heard this expression before, but in this book, you won’t just make lemonade but you’ll learn how to make your unique recipe. How do you handle hardship? How does your attitude change in the face of adversity? myLEMONADE is a book that follows your recipe for life.
Communicating your bright ideas makes them shine even brighter! myLIGHTBULB is a book that gives you the tools to share all your ideas, big and small. Connect to yourself, your friends, and the world at large by shining your light.
Text. Send. Download. Connect. How do the choices we make with our technology affect us? The speed at which we can share with others is a valuable tool and an important responsibility to understand. How is your network different than someone else’s? Do your thoughts expand or contract based on the environment you’re in? In myNETWORK, explore your personal network connection and how you can share and impact the world around you.
myNEWS is more like a newspaper than a book! It delivers your understanding of news and allows you to choose your sources, headlines, and stories. Information can come from anyone, anywhere, and at anytime. Sharing your experiences, events, and findings will help you understand the world around you and develop your personal point of view.
You are unique. Your experiences are unique. Your opinions are unique. Give meaning to your words, actions, and choices by sharing them with others. In mySHOES, share your unique perspective and take a walk in another person’s shoes. When we understand each other, the world is more connected. Let’s take a walk!
“The sky’s the limit!” What does this mean to you? What does your sky look like? In mySKY, explore your hopes and dreams to unleash your potential and soar. By dreaming big and connecting with the environment around (and above!) us, you open your mind to possibility and accomplishment. Let’s fly into your sky!